Around Town Session with Model Rep Haley | Nature and Urban


Haley is a girl after my own heart….a music/concert lover and Marvel movie lover! For her shoot she wanted something in nature with wild flowers so we choose Oak Ridge Prairie. Right before Haley’s shoot we got some unexpected rain and had to cut it short. I offered to shoot the second half on another day in the Square for some added variety. Lucky for me, Haley is sweet and laid back and saw the silver lining on the rain cloud!

I love checking out the window displays in the Square and during our shoot there just happened to be a music themed display! I loved the “Start a band” sign. I think it was “sign” for Haley to follow her music industry dreams!

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1. You're going on a road trip. A: Where are you going? B: What one person are you driving with? C: Which song is definitely on your playlist? D: What's your must have snack? 

Definitely going to Nashville with my sister! Listening to country music the whole way because it’s obviously very fitting for a trip to Nashville! My go to road trip snack is ALWAYS something from Albanese!

2. If you were putting on a concert for your school, which three bands/artists would you book?: 

1) Kenny Chesney
2) Sam Hunt
3) Brett Eldredge
They are my three faves!

3. Movie you could watch over and over? Anything scary! I never get tired of scary movies!

4. Tell us one stand out memory from your year so far.

Definitely a concert I went to with my sister in Fort Wayne in January! A fun little road trip for the weekend!

5. Dream job when you were a kid? Dream job now? 

My dream job has always been to work in the music industry!

6. What skill would you like to master?  Juggling!!!

7. Fave Quote: “Your faith can move mountains.”

8. 3 words your friends would use to describe you:  


9. What do you value most in a friend? 

Honesty! I love someone who can always be honest with me, even if the truth hurts!

10. Favorite way to treat yourself? Always a mani/pedi!

11. Tell us something about yourself that not everyone knows. A lot of people may know this but I am definitely a groupie! I go to a ton of concerts and always am meeting the artists!

12. What would a world populated by clones of you be like?  Hopefully we would change the world to a place where everyone can love one another!

13. For what reason did you last cry?  My family leaving to move to Arizona!

14. What's the last thing that made you laugh?  My friends!

15. Name something you are proud of.  I am proud of finishing off high school strong with many achievements including a scholarship!!

16. What fictional place would you most like to visit?  Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory of course!!!

17. What is one of your favorites smells/scents?  Anything vanilla or cupcake scent!

18. You are building a virtual time capsule commemorating your senior year. What 3 things would you include?: 

1) Receiving my scholarship
2) Receiving my academic honors award
3) graduating early!!!

19. Your advice for incoming freshman:  Stick with your friends that you have had since you were young. You will have a lot of friends that come and go through out high school but never forget who has been there for you since day one!

20. What are your plans after graduation?  Go to college and get a degree in communications and business and then move to Nashville to chase after my dreams of working in the music industry!

Your faith can move mountains
— Haley
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Thank you for being one of my muses Haley! You were such a joy to work with.

I’ll miss working with you and your mom! Best of luck and look out Nashville!!!