Explore Session with Model Rep Aubrey | Miller Beach


Aubrey was my first senior model rep of the season and we kicked things off with a beautiful session! Her warm smile and sparkling personality shines through her images. Her wish for her shoot was to incorporate nature so we mixed it up with pretty soft flowers and grasses and then soft beachy hues. We had a gorgeous day to shoot. It was one of those days were Lake Michigan looked like the ocean. Although fall is my favorite season, I’m really going to miss those summer sunsets on the beach. Aubrey had a beautiful cotton candy sunset to end her senior session.

1. You're going on a road trip. A: Where are you going? B: What one person are you driving with? C: Which song is definitely on your playlist? D: What's your must have snack? 

I am going on a road trip to Florida. I am driving with my boyfriend. A song definitely on my playlist would be worth it. My must have snack is a protein shake.

2. If you were putting on a concert for your school, which three bands/artists would you book? 

Lil Uzi Vert, Jonas Brothers, and Post Malone.

3. Movie you could watch over and over?  Harry Potter

4. Tell us one stand out memory from your year so far.  Getting accepted to Purdue University.

5. Dream job when you were a kid? Dream job now? 

My dream job when I was a kid was a NICU nurse, my dream job is now to go into medical sales.

6. What skill would you like to master?  Meditation.

7. Fave Quote:  Live the life you love.

8. 3 words your friends would use to describe you:  Tall, funny, outgoing

9. What do you value most in a friend? Integrity

10. Favorite way to treat yourself? Ice cream

11. Tell us something about yourself that not everyone knows.  I am really into health & fitness.

12. What would a world populated by clones of you be like?  Very type A & get things done rather quickly.

13. For what reason did you last cry? I don’t remember the last time I cried.

14. What's the last thing that made you laugh?  Family guy.

15. Name something you are proud of.  The person I have become.

16. What fictional place would you most like to visit?  Hogwart’s.

17. What is one of your favorites smells/scents?  Tanning oil.

18. You are building a virtual time capsule commemorating your senior year. What 3 things would you include? 

Lake Central class of 2019 shirt, flowers from a dance, and a picture of my group of friends.

19. Your advice for incoming freshman: To start off your career with a good GPA & continue with it throughout high school, because once it’s down it is hard to get back up.

20. What are your plans after graduation?  I am going to Purdue University to study marketing.

A special shout out to Aubrey’s boyfriend and mom for being great assistants!

Thanks so much Aubrey for being my model rep/muse! Your sweet and happy energy was contagious and you were a joy to work with! I have no doubt you will have a bright future. I hope you are having a blast at Purdue!

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“Live the life you love!”