Jamie Skripac Photography

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Explore Session with Model Rep Sophia | Crown Point and Hamstra Gardens

I was so excited to work with Sophia as my senior model rep. Her long blonde locks and freckles had me thinking of Alice in Wonderland for some reason. So she was definitely a muse for me and Hamstra Gardens is definitely like a wonderland! We stopped in “the Square” first for some variety and happened across this cool old car. We took advantage of some pretty local artwork and posed in front of the angel wings for a couple and then to my favorite spot in some ivy. (I would photograph everyone’s portrait by the ivy if I could.)

Hamstra Gardens was just as beautiful as ever and we really felt like we were wandering around in a fairy-tale. There’s path after path of gorgeous landscaping and architecture. We ended our session with a beautiful sky at twilight and it was the perfect ending to our little adventure.

1. You're going on a road trip. A: Where are you going? B: What one person are you driving with? C: Which song is definitely on your playlist? D: What's your must have snack?

I would love to go somewhere warm and somewhere I have never been before, like Georgia. I would bring a friend or my sister. Circles by Post Malone would be on our playlist and we would probably bring oreos as a snack.

2. If you were putting on a concert for your school, which three bands/artists would you book? 

Post Malone, Khalid, and Travis Scott.

3. Movie you could watch over and over?  Heathers

4. Tell us one stand out memory from your senior year. Going mini-golfing with my friends.

5. Dream job when you were a kid? Dream job now? 

I used to want to be a dance teacher, and now I’m not really sure but I’m leaning towards something in social work.

6. What skill would you like to master?  Being able to study super well.

7. Fave Quote: “Be the reason someone smiles today.”

8. 3 words your friends would use to describe you:  Funny, kind, and sometimes quiet.

9. What do you value most in a friend?  Loyalty and honesty.

10. Favorite way to treat yourself?  Take a long bath and get my favorite food.

11. Tell us something about yourself that not everyone knows. 

I really like time to myself, I don’t always like being out with a lot of people.

12. What would a world populated by clones of you be like? It would be very scary, you wouldn’t know who’s the “real” person and who’s a clone.

13. For what reason did you last cry? I missed home.

14. What's the last thing that made you laugh? My friends always make me laugh.

15. Name something you are proud of. Getting accepted into my top choice college.

16. What fictional place would you most like to visit? The mansion from the movie The Great Gatsby.

17. What is one of your favorites smells/scents? Freshly cut grass.

18. You are building a virtual time capsule commemorating your senior year. What 3 things would you include? 

Pictures of my friends and I, the necklace I wore everyday, and a letter to myself when I open it.

19. Your advice for incoming freshman.  Don’t be nervous, and you’ll be fine once you adjust.

20. What are your plans after graduation? Going to IU Bloomington!

I hope you are having an amazing first year of college Sophia!! Thanks for being a awesome and sweet model rep!